Natural History Photographs

Galls of Baizongia pistaciae
on leafs of Pistacia terebinthus
Nueno (Huseca), Spain; 21 October 2018.
Galls of Forda formicaria on leafs of Pistacia terebinthus
Santa Ana (Huseca), Spain; 15 June 2019.

Galls caused by fundatrices, females emerging from fertilized overwintering eggs.
Santa Ana (Huseca), Spain; 15 June 2019. Mostly secondary galls, some fundatrix galls.
Galls of Tamalia coweni
on leaf of Arctostaphylos patula
Bryce Canyon (Utah), USA; 13 August 2017.
Galls of Tetraneura cf. ulmi
on leafs of Ulmus spec.
English:Elm-grass aphid, elm sack gall aphid
Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 21 June 2017 & 24 June 2018.
Bernués (Huesca), Spain; 21 June 2019.