Natural History Photographs

Holoparasitic plants fully rely of other plants for their supply of all nutrients, as they lack chlorophyll and thus are unable to photosynthesize. Due to their lack of chlorophyll, these plants can have any color but green. They may either attach to the branches of their host, or to their roots. Even in the latter case, the parasitic relationship is immediately visible in the field, because of the non-green color of the plant.

on branches of the host
Cuscuta epithymum
Authority:(L.) L. 1759
Synonyms:Cuscuta europaea var. epithymum Linnaeus, 1753
Nederlands:Klein warkruid
Français:Cuscute de Kotschy
Italiano:cuscuta del trifoglio, cuscuta epitimo, cuscuta nostrana, cuscuta piccola,
Español:barbas de capuchino, cabello de Venus, cabellos de tomillo, cuscuta del treból,
epitimo, tiña
Huizen, the Netherlands; 18 May & 6 June 2007.

on roots of the host
Orobanche purpurea
Authority:Jacquin, 1762
Nederlands:Blauwe bremraap
English:Yarrow Broomrape
Deutsch:Violetter Würger
Français:Orobanche violette
Italiano:succiamele azzurro
Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 14 June 2015.
Orobanche spec.
Çardak (Denizli), Turkey; 11 - 12 June 2012.
Orobanche spec.
Yassica (Bitlis), Turkey; 9 June 2010.