Natural History Photographs

(Possible) hosts
Miltogramma punctatum
Strabrecht, the Netherlands; 17 August 2013.
Colletes spec.
Amstelveen, the Netherlands; 11 June 2007.
Senotainia albifrons
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
6 August 2010.
Bembix rostrata
Authority:(Linné, 1758)
Deutsch:Große Kreiselwespe
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
8 July 2007.
Senotainia conica
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
7 May 2011.
Harpactus lunulatus
Amstelveen, the Netherlands;
13 June 2007.
Taxigramma elegantula
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
7 May 2011.
Tachysphex nitidus
Authority:(Spinola, 1805)
Deutsch:Prächtiger Heuschreckenjäger
Aekingerzand, the Netherlands;
26 May 2012.
Taxigramma heteroneura
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
6 August 2010.
Tachysphex nitidus
Authority:(Spinola, 1805)
Deutsch:Prächtiger Heuschreckenjäger
AW duinen, the Netherlands;
24 July 2010.