Natural History Photographs

One of the absolute highlights of the Pyrenees is the Valle de Ordesa. It's fame draws hordes of yourist during the summer, but in June it's still doable, esepcially on a Monday. We decided for the serious Senda de Cazadores a steep 750m ascend, then 10km walking to the end of the valley, and back. We started with a slight hangover from Sunday evening, which was not ideal - but after an hour or so the physcial exercise brought us back in shape. The ascend is a real challenge, which took some 2.5 hours clmbing. Along the path I found Thore's buttercup, one of the delights of the valley. Other botanical highlights are the Long-leaved Butterwort and the Leafy lousewort, good old Edelweiss and many more. Though the hike was physcially challenging, it was absolutely worth the effort, both for the spectacular landscapes and the botanical delights.Walking back from de Circo de Soaso is relatively easy, since the path is rarely steep. From alpine grassland one gradually enters the forested lower valley, continuesly walking along the Rio Azaras.

The botanical richness resulted in a rich harvest for a single location. To avoid overly long pages, I split the material in four pages. The first shows what we found along the Sensa de Cazadores ending at the Mirador de Calcilarruego; the second along the northern slope till the end of the valley, the Circo de Sosao; the third page shows what I found around de Circo de Sosao, while the fourth pge presents material from the way back, along the Rio Arazas.

Senda de Cazadores Northern slope
Circo de Soaso Rio de Arazas