Natural History Photographs

For the third year on a row I went to Turkey in early summer - this time a round trip in the Eastern part of the country. After a organized group travel (2008) and an individual trip (2009), I now went with a small group of five people, three moderately fanatic bird watchers, our guide Matty Musters, and myself. The challenge was to find a good compromise between our different interests - something we managed quite well to do! By following the birdwatchers sometimes, I came to places I wouldn't immediately choose to visit myself - which led to some pleasant surprises!

(All photos showing me: courtesy of Peter de Rouw.)

As always, Matty was the infallible guide and supplier!

As the local people are very kind but also very interested in what we were doing, someone like Matty keeping them busy is a must if you want to make efficient use of your scant travel time.

Our trip in 23 stops

Click any of the stars on the map and you will get a short photo impression of the site.