For the fourth year on a row I went to Turkey in early summer - this time a trip in the South-Eastern part of the country. I went with a small group of four people, two recreative bird watchers, our guide Matty Musters, and myself. After arriving at Malatya, the first destination was Nemrut Daği; then we would, via Birecik, head for the Gösü-delta, finally to depart again from Adana. |
Nemrut Daği (8-9 June) | Near Birecik (11-12 June) |
Dunes of the Göksü-delta (15-17 June) | Gorge near Limonlu (18 June) |
The three main destinations are quite distant from each other. A single map with all locations we visited would thus show several tightly packed clusters. Therefore I chose to show our trip and the areas where we stayed on an small scale map; the areas are indicated by rectangles. If you click any rectangle, you will open a larger scale map of a particular area; the more detailed map then shows the locations we visited in that area. To zoom in, just click on one of the rectangles. |