Natural History Photographs

Ephedra distachya
Synonyms:Ephedra vulgaris
English:common ephedra, European shrubby horsetail, sea grape,
joint-pine, jointfir, Mormon-tea, Brigham tea
Deutsch:gemeines Meerträubchen, gemeines Meerträubel
Français:herbe aux jointures, raisin de mer, éphèdre commune, éphèdre à deux épis
Italiano:efedra comune, efedra distachia, uva marina
Español:belcho, uva de mar, uva marina
Butrint (Sarandë), Albania; 9 July 2017. Female plants with a few strobili.
Ephedra foeminea
Synonyms:Ephedra campylopoda
Ephedra fragilis subsp. campylopoda
English:leafless ephedra, leafless joint-pine
Français:éphèdre à pédoncules courbés
Italiano:efedra femminea
Kalpaki (Ioannina), Greece; 24 July 2020. Female plant with strobili.
Kalpaki (Ioannina), Greece; 25 July 2020. Male plant with strobili.
Ephedra major
Synonyms:Ephedra nebrodensis
Ephedra scoparia
Ephedra villarsii
English:large sea grape
Deutsch:großes Meerträubel, sizilianisches Meerträubchen, sizilianisches Meerträubel
Français:grand éphèdre, grande uvette, éphèdre des Monts Nébrodes
Italiano:efedra grande, efedra maggiore, efedra nebrodense
Español:belcho fino, efedra fina, escobizo
Belceğiz (Isparta), Türkiye; 29 April 2014. Male plant with strobili.