In the early morning we woke up with some rain and a total cloud cover. But since we had still some distance to cover, we went off anyway. While we had quite some rain during the ride, when we arrived at Santa Cruz de la Serós. This little village sports two churches in first romanesque style, the larger one open to visitors - but not to early visitors... So we drank a cup of coffee and then visited the church. One special feature is the marble windows, which are strikingly beautiful when seen inside.After having visited the church, we looked for the plants nearby before continueing to the monastery San Juan de la Peña. |
Santa Maria |
Asplenium trichomanes |
Authority | : | Linnaeus, 1753 |
Nederlands | : | Steenbreekvaren |
English | : | Maidenhair Spleenwort |
Deutsch | : | Braunstieliger Streifenfarn |
Norsk | : | Svartburkne |
Svenska | : | Bergspring |
Français | : | Asplénium trichomanès |
Anacamptis pyramidalis |
Authority | : | (L.) Rich. |
Synonyms | : | Orchis pyramidalis Linnaeus, 1753 |
Nederlands | : | Hondskruid |
English | : | Pyramidal Orchid |
Deutsch | : | Spitzorchis |
Norsk | : | Salepsrot |
Svenska | : | Klotyxne, salepsrot |
Français | : | Orchis pyramidal |
Italiano | : | orchide, orchidea pyramidale, orchide piramidale |
Español | : | orquídea piramidal, orquídea piramidale |
Bituminaria bituminosa |
Authority | : | (L.) C.H.Stirt. 1981 |
Synonyms | : | Psoralea bituminosa Linnaeus, 1753 |
English | : | Bitumen trefoil |
Deutsch | : | Asphaltharzklee, Asphaltklee, Drüsenklee, Harzklee |
Français | : | Cabridoula, Herbe au bitume, Thé des jésuites |
Italiano | : | trifoglio bituminoso |
Español | : | angelota, cabruna, cecinegra, hedionda, hierba betunera, hierba cabrera, hierba cabruna, hierba de los granos, hierba gitana, hierba negra, hierba pudenta, higueruela, hiperuelo, la pedrenca, pestosa, ruda cabruna, rudón, tedera, tefla basta, trébol bastardo, trébol de mal olor, trébol hediondo |
Dorycnium pentaphyllum |
Authority | : | Scopoli, 1772 |
Synonyms | : | Lotus dorycnium Linnaeus, 1771 |
English | : | Greater badassi, Canary clover |
Deutsch | : | Fünfblättriger Backenklee, Fünffingerklee |
Français | : | Badasse à cinq feuilles |
Italiano | : | trifoglino, trifoglino a cinque foliole, trifoglino legnoso |
Español | : | bocha basta, bocha blanca, escobón, lebrela, mijediega, socarillos |
Antirrhinum majus |
Authority | : | Linnaeus, 1753 |
Nederlands | : | Grote leeuwenbek |
English | : | Common snapdragon |
Deutsch | : | Großes Löwenmaul |
Svenska | : | Legonjap |
Français | : | Grand Muflier, Muflier à grandes fleurs, Gueule-de-loup, Gueule-de-lion |
Italiano | : | antirrino, bocca di leone, bocca di leone comune, capo di bue, copa di cane, muso di vitello |
Español | : | abrebocas, antirrino, becerra, boca de dragón, boca de león, cabeza de ternera, calzones de cuquiello, claveles, conejitos, conejitos muertos, dragón, dragoncillo, flor de la mortaja, flor del desengaño, flor de sapo, gallitos, garganta de lobo, gatos, morros de lobo, morros de ternero, muerta galana, muerte de estpañol, muerte de italiano, muerte de portugués, pan y queso, perritos, pirigallo, pitos, san juanes, tarasca de jardín, zapaticos de la Virgen, zapaticos del Niño Jesús |
Campanula speciosa |
Authority | : | Pourr. 1788 |
English | : | Pyrenean bellflower |
Français | : | campanule à belles fleurs |
Español | : | campanillas, pajaritas |